I often look at headlines, as you know, to see what’s going on in the world. More often than not, it’s not fun stuff. With all the bad news out there, it is refreshing to see some good news once in a while. Today I saw one of those stories.

Tiny baby Melinda is set to be released from the hospital. This is a miracle because Melinda was born last August, and at her birth she weighed only 9 1/2 ounces. Considering I delivered two children who were over 9 1/2 pounds, I can’t even begin to imagine how tiny a 9 1/2-ounce baby would be. The news article makes the comparison to a pop can. That’s just really hard to wrap my mind around. She was so tiny.

She’s the second smallest baby in the United States to survive, and the third smallest in the world. What an amazing statistic. Melinda obviously spent months in a neo-natal ICU at the hospital. She did have some complications and has already had surgery, but the tough little girl survived. Her mother was finally able to hold her in November. I can’t even begin to imagine that. Mothers wait for that moment when they get to hold their babies after birth, and to have that moment postponed for three months is heart-wrenching. I’m sure it had to be an overwhelming moment when her mother was finally able to hold Melinda.

Melinda may face further health issues. Preemies often do. But she’s already proven what a fighter she is. And as the little miracle she is, she can be an inspiration for other families who have premature babies.

This story has made my day. I had no idea baby Melinda existed until I read this story, but I’m extremely thankful to learn about her and to know she has survived. And it’s absolutely wonderful that at a whopping 4 1/2 pounds, she gets to go home.