Tomorrow we’ll watch some football to see who makes it to the Super Bowl. There’s no one team that the whole family pulls for. Byron is a Packers fan, Travis is a Patriots fan, and Ashley is a Saints fan. Cody and Nic could care less, though Nic was hoping to see a Packers-Patriots Super Bowl just so the boys would be pulling against each other. Needless to say, I was not looking forward to such an event, and I dread the day it occurs. I do, however, cheer for the Packers and Patriots when they’re playing. If they win, my boys are happy. If my boys are happy, I am happy. Unfortunately, after last weekend, I was left with only one happy camper … Trav. So, now, for us, it’s “Go Patriots!” all the way.

My dad has always been a Steelers fan. My brother Artie has always been a Cowboys fan. My cousin Brad was always a Bears fan. My nephews are fans of the Cowboys, Lions, Giants, and Steelers. And everybody in the family is a Tim Tebow fan, even if they aren’t necessarily Broncos fans and even though he did graduate from the University of Florida. We don’t hold that against him anymore.

As you can see, it’s pretty spread out, which can make for some interesting Sundays. Fortunately, the family ties are strong, and everybody realizes that in the end it is just a ball game, and there’s never been a family feud related to a football game.

Football season is almost over for the year. Some of our favorite teams are already looking forward to next year. Hopefully all will go well, and we’ll see the Patriots winning the Super Bowl in a couple weeks.