Since I have let you know about a couple of bad days I’ve had, it’s only fair that I let you know about some of the good ones, too. And today was one of the good ones.

It’s been a long week. I haven’t worked a full week since before Christmas. With Christmas break, then a couple of snow days, a couple of sick days (could have done without those; I hate sinus infections), a holiday, and Cody’s orthodontist appointment today, a full week just hasn’t happened, though this week was going to be the longest as I was only going to miss a half day today to take Cody to Lexington. While we’re in Lexington, though, we get the text that lets us know there will be no school tomorrow. I’m really sorry that we have so many kids and teachers sick, but I am glad to get a day off.

In addition to actually showing up for work four days in a row, I had to pull concession stand duty on Monday, make a trip to Powell County with some academic team kids on Tuesday, and then there was the trip to Lexington today. I am definitely looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow morning, especially since I have to be on a bus at 7 A.M. Saturday morning to make another trip to Powell County.

Other than finding out I get a day off tomorrow, today was just a really good day. Cody and I went to Lexington expecting your regular, run-of-the-mill orthodontist appointment. They’d told us the braces would probably come off by March, but to our surprise, they came off today. We haveĀ a trip to pick up his retainers on Tuesday and a follow-up in three months and maybe one other follow-up after that, then we’re finished with the orthodontist. It’ll be strange not having to make a monthly trip to Lexington for the orthodontist, but I think I’ll adjust.

I got to drive my “new” car on the trip today. I actually let Cody drive to Campton, then I drove since we got drive-thru, and I wouldn’t let him eat and drive. I drove the rest of the trip, and I am very pleased with my car. It’s just awesome. When we decided to get it, Jimmy said all that mattered was if I was happy. Well, I’m very happy with it.

Gas is about $3.45 here at home, so imagine my surprise and my delight to find it in Lexington for $3.13 at Sam’s Club. Needless to say, that’s where I filled up.

When we got home, I made a Mexican Casserole and watched Justified. I have a friend who will be disappointed when I admit I was behind, but now I’m all caught up and looking forward to next week’s episode. If you haven’t yet watched this show, I recommend you do. The world could use a few more like Raylan Givens.

Sometimes we have rough days, and they can leave us feeling very depressed. Other times we have good days, even great days. Those are the ones we need to focus on. Today was one of those for me, and I’m looking forward to a day to stay at home tomorrow.