Today’s one of those days when I just don’t want to write. Those days don’t happen too often, but they do come around from time to time, and they’re very difficult considering I’ve made a commitment to myself to write every day. So, even though I don’t feel much like I have anything really to say today, I’m going to write something and I guess we’ll see what happens with it.

I can put off and put off writing on days like this when I just don’t “feel” it, and then I look at the clock and see the day slipping away from me. All that really does is put more pressure and stress on me because I start to panic because I haven’t written anything yet. The more I watch the minutes pass, the more stressful it becomes. I look at websites, the news, quotations, the TV, almost anything really trying to get something useful for an idea. The blank screen is a writer’s worst enemy. And when you’ve made the decision to write every day, it makes it even worse.

The funny thing is, however, that as soon as I realize I have to start writing right now if I’m going to get any writing at all done today, and then I actually start putting something on the screen (usually how I’m at a loss for anything to write), I actually end up with something that makes some sense, even when I didn’t think I had something to say. Not that what I end up saying is earth-shattering or amazing, but it’s something.

It’s hard when an idea won’t show itself to you, when it seems the muse has taken the day off. Procrastinating, under the guise of waiting for something inspirational to happen, isn’t very helpful and should be avoided. I’ll try to remember that piece of advice the next time I find myself in this situation, but even if I remember it, it’s not likely I’ll follow it. While procrastination, as a general rule, should always be avoided, it just doesn’t seem we humans can stop doing it.

And just like that, I’ve managed to get enough words down that I can satisfactorily call this a blog. Not a great blog, but a blog nonetheless. That’s also one of the hardest things for writers to accept. We want everything we write to be inspirational and worthy. Sometimes it’s just not. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. The important thing is that we stick to our goals. My goal is to write every day, and while this may not be the best blog (OK, it’s definitely not what I’d consider the best blog), it is a blog, and I have written something today. And as far as my challenge to myself, that makes me successful.