So last week I shared that I am not an animal lover. I do understand there are those who love their animals dearly and who consider them a part of the family. I do not understand how people could love animals more than their children, though.

Today, I found a story about a Missouri couple who has been arrested after over 1,000 animals were found in their home. Not outside their home. In their home. According to the reports, the house was so nasty that when investigators went inside, the smell was so bad they immediately went back outside to puke. This couple has two children, ages 13 and 15, who have been removed from their custody. The couple was charged with child endangerment.

The report went on to say that the couple told investigators the house had been in its current condition for nearly two years, and they knew it was not in their children’s best interest, but they didn’t want to get rid of the animals. Investigators showed up after receiving reports of possible child neglect. The children are now with relatives, and within a matter of days the couple had gotten rid of the animals.

The part I don’t understand is how the couple could say they knew they were not creating a healthy environment for their children, yet they did not want to get rid of the animals, which in effect is saying they cared more for the animals than their children. I totally cannot understand that. For those of you who are animal lovers and who treat them as part of your family, I’m sure you don’t have “extremely filthy conditions” for you and your children to live in.

Here’s the best part, though. The animal in question aren’t your normal animals. We’re not talking cats, dogs, birds, or fish. The animals – remember over 1,000 of them – were snakes, lizards, mice, rats, and mealworms. While I don’t like the idea of having cats, dogs, birds, or fish around, the idea of snakes, lizards mice, rats, and mealworms just makes my skin crawl. How could these people let their children live in nasty conditions for two years just to keep 1,000 slimy rodents around? How could they stand to live in that mess themselves? You’d think even if they didn’t have enough sense to be concerned about their children, they’d at least have enough concern for themselves to not live in filth.

Actually, I’ve decided that this couple can’t really be classified as animal lovers. All the people I know who are true animal lovers take care of their animals; this couple didn’t take care of themselves, their children, or their rodents. I don’t understand why anyone would willingly have over 1,000 snakes, lizards, mice, rats, and mealworms in his or her home, but if he or she is going to, then those animals do not need free reign of the house. They should be placed in containers of some sort, they should be properly fed, and they should be properly cleaned up after.

It’s amazing how after the couple was arrested, they quickly decided and managed to get rid of the animals. I don’t think they need to quickly get their children back, though, since they obviously cared a lot more for the rodents than they did the children to start with; why else would they let the children live in such horrid conditions?

My suggestion, and keep in mind this comes from a non-animal lover, is if someone wants a pet, he or she should get a reasonable one, such as a cat, dog, bird, or fish. And then he or she should have enough sense not to allow the animal to live in filth, thus creating a situation where he or she also does not live in filth.