In Texas, two men stole cookie money from Girl Scouts who were set up in front of a Wal-Mart. One of the men stole the money box from their table and ran to the waiting getaway car, and as they were making their escape, they grazed one of the Girl Scouts with their car.

In the wake of so many people doing good for one another (the response to a local friend who is still recovering from an accident and to last Friday’s storm victims has been overwhelming), this incident brings to mind the question: how could anybody be so low? Stealing the cookie money from the Girl Scouts is pretty low.

The thing is if these men were in such desperate need of money, I’d be willing to be there are some kind-hearted folks in Texas who would have been willing to help them. The sad thing is if they’re stealing from Girl Scouts, they probably are in desperate need of money for something illegal.

I do realize that in these hard economic times, more often than not, most people don’t have the money they need; and really, who couldn’t use some more funds? However, there are places to get help. In every city and state in America, there is a place to get help. There is no reason to steal. If these men need money for food, clothes, medicines, etc., there are legal ways to get that money.

Everybody gets down and out at some point; that doesn’t give anyone the right to steal from another. I understand we are a prideful people, and we don’t like asking others for help. However, if we have legitimate needs, sometimes we have to swallow that pride and ask for help. That’s always better than stealing.

As of the time I saw the news story, the two men were still out there, and Texan police were looking for them. I hope they find them. And I hope they throw the book at them. It’s bad enough the two men were stealing. It’s pretty low that they were stealing from the Girl Scouts. Real men would never do that.