There’s a saying that goes something like this – To the world, you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world. This is something we all need to be reminded of every day.

It’s easy to get aggravated with some of the things life throws your way, but when we’re discouraged, it’s easy to be depressed and to find fault upon fault within ourselves. I’ve been there, and I understand that the last thing you want to do in that situation is feel good about yourself. There are times when we need to be allowed to wallow in our pity party, but that wallowing needs to be brief.

Wallowing in our pity party for too long will cause us to drown in our despair, which is why this wallowing has to be brief. We need to take our moment to feel sorry for ourselves, then we need to pick up our pieces and move on. Of course, I realize this is easier said than done.

It might help you to be successful, though, if you remember that to at least one person in this world, you are the world. We may not always think about it, but it’s true. Most of us are fortunate, and we have more than one person who loves us unconditionally. When I start to feel down and depressed, if I can start thinking about my children, my husband, or my parents, then it doesn’t take me too long to move out of my funk.

Everybody gets depressed sometimes. Drowning in our despair is not acceptable. The next time you start to feel overwhelmed and depressed, think about that person who you mean something to. Realize that while it may feel like the world is out to get you, there’s that one person who couldn’t live without you. Then pick yourself up and climb out of the pit of despair and depression. You are somebody’s world.