Tonight’s one of those nights when I’m wondering what I should write, so it’s looking like you’re going to get to read about some of the things I enjoyed about the weekend.

1. You probably saw this one coming, which is why I’m putting it first. Cody is registered at UK, with a great schedule. His ID is made, and his housing application is ready to mail. Now it’s just a matter of finishing up his senior year, graduating, and moving in at UK in the fall.

2. Since this is one of the things I said I was looking forward to, you might guess it’d make the list of good things to happen over the weekend. Daylight Savings Time has arrived. Now, if we could just find a way to keep it, I’d be really happy.

3. You may find this one difficult to believe, and I may make some enemies by saying this, but UK lost the SEC championship game. There, I said it. Here’s the thing. It’s so easy to get cocky when you’re 32-1, and had they won and gone to 33-1 instead of losing and being 32-2, I think it would’ve been harder to make a run through the NCAA tournament. Sometimes a team will learn a lot more and will benefit more from a loss than from a win, and as much as I would’ve liked to see the Wildcats continue their winning streak all the way through, I think this loss today will humble them and will allow them to really focus on what they need to do to win a national championship, without taking for granted that it’s theirs.

4. I wrote a couple weeks ago about a young lady who had been in a car accident and the power of prayer. Tomorrow will make four weeks since her accident. She’s making an amazing recovery. Doctors initially anticipated she might be in ICU for weeks, then at the hospital for weeks, before getting to go to a physical rehab hospital for possibly months. I’m super excited that the doctors were wrong. She has already been moved to the rehab facility. She’s eating soft foods. She’s talking to her family and friends. She’s is definitely a living miracle. Prayers have definitely been answered, and I’ve no doubt they will continue to be answered.

5. I am almost completely caught up on grading papers, and before spring break officially begins, I will be caught up. There for a couple of weeks, I felt like I was drowning trying to get all those papers finished, but I’m down to one set of ENG 200 essays, and they’re very short ones, so by this time tomorrow, I will have everything caught up, and all grades will be entered in the computer.

6. As the weekend comes to a close, there are several things I’m looking forward to in the upcoming week. On Tuesday, Ashley will have another ultrasound, and we’re supposed to find out whether we’re getting a boy or a girl. Tuesday is also Jimmy’s birthday. There are only two work days this week, as Wednesday starts our spring break. Wednesday and Thursday will be busy days, though, as we help Travis and Ashley move into their new apartment.

The weekend seemed rather short, since I spent half of it in Lexington, but it was nice to spend all day today at home, even if I did spend it reading essays. Even though it was a short one, though, it has been a good one.