One thing I don’t want to do tonight is write. Yes, it’s one of those days again. The evening is completely open as far as things I have to do. I’ve already cooked, though the kitchen will need cleaned up later. All my students’ papers are graded and entered into the computer. All that’s left that I really have to do is write something for today, so I’m doing it even though I’d much rather be taking a nap right now.

A nap would be fabulous. Right now, I try to read and I end up nodding off. I’d really like to knock a chunk out of that book, maybe even finish it, but right now I just can’t hold my eyes open. I’ll be lucky not to doze off while writing this.

I was looking forward to the change back to Daylight Savings Time, and I am glad it is here, but I still haven’t recovered from losing that hour. I’m afraid to take the nap, though, because if I do, I’m afraid I’ll sleep too long, and then I’ll be up half the night, which will make it harder to get up in the morning and will make tomorrow a long day. I can try to stay awake, but I may not get much reading done that way. I’d like to remember what I read rather than remember nothing because I kept dozing off during the story.

I could always go finish cleaning up the kitchen, because, yes, it must be done, but I don’t really want to do that right now either. I’d rather just sit right here and be a little lazy or read that book of mine. Maybe I’ll get lucky and this sleepy-phase will wear off in a few minutes and I’ll be able to stay awake long enough to read a while.

The best thing about all of it is that in only five short weeks, I’ll be on summer break, so I can get on my summer schedule of sleeping, reading, and writing when I want, without work to interfere with that. In the meantime, maybe I should take a quick nap and then try to read.