Yesterday, I found out what my grandbaby will be. As I said, our main concern is a healthy baby, and we would be thrilled either way. And we are thrilled to be having a baby girl.

I’ve always been told God will never give you more than you can handle, and that’s been my explanation for why I am the mother of three sons and only one daughter; He knew I could only handle one daughter, who happens to be just like me. Needless to say, that means it wasn’t always easy being her mother, as she can sometimes be quite temperamental. I know she comes by it honest, though. And I did manage to get her to adulthood successfully, and I’m very proud of the young lady she has become.

I’m also very proud of my boys, who have grown into fine young men. They will all make excellent fathers, and I know Trav is really looking forward to it. He’s absolutely thrilled about having a baby girl. I also know that this is going to be one spoiled baby girl. She will have her daddy wrapped around her finger, but he won’t be the only one. All the men in her life will be wrapped around her finger, from her daddy to her pappaws to her uncles. And that’s OK; that’s the way it should be.

Babies deserve to be spoiled. Unfortunately too many today don’t realize that a spoiled child can still be a good child. You can spoil a child, but that child can also learn how to behave appropriately. You can spoil a child, but that child can also understand that the parents are the boss. Just because a child is spoiled does not mean that child has to be in control in that family, and too often today, there are parents who allow the children to be in control. That’s not fair to the parents, nor is it fair to the children. And it’s definitely not fair to everyone else who has to deal with that child.

Having a spoiled child does not mean you have a child who misbehaves, who throws regular tantrums, or who tells you what to do. Having a spoiled child does not mean you never tell that child, “no.” Having a spoiled child does not mean the child has no rules to follow or expectations to fulfill. Having a spoiled child does not mean the child gets everything she wants, when she wants it, and how she wants it.

Having a spoiled child means you have a child who is loved unconditionally. Having a spoiled child means you have a child who is comfortable with who she is because you have a strong enough relationship that she knows you have her back, no matter what. Having a spoiled child means you have a child who respects others and who knows how to behave appropriately. Having a spoiled child means you have given that child some of what she wants and all of what she needs.

So, yes, just like the four children I have, my granddaughter will be spoiled. We know that having her in our lives will be a blessing beyond measure. We’re already giving thanks that God has blessed us by allowing her to be a part of our lives. And we’re all looking forward to July when we can officially meet her.