Today is the last official day of spring break, and when the weekend is over, it’ll be back to work for five short weeks. After that, we’re looking at a three-month summer, which is super exciting for me. But while I’ve been on break, there have been several questions cross my mind that I would like to find an answer to.

1. Why is it that at about 5:00 P.M. every day, I get so sleepy I can hardly stand it? If I’m in a place where it’s possible, I simply have to take a short nap in order to function the rest of the day. It doesn’t matter if I’ve gotten up at 6:30 A.M. and worked all day or if I’ve slept until noon and done very little throughout the day. When it starts getting close to 5, I start getting sleepy. Fortunately, for most of the remaining five weeks of school, I should be home around that time, so I’ll simply take a short nap and then finish out the evening.

2. I meant to call and ask about this one today, but I didn’t. If, however, the same situation develops next week, I will give City Hall a call. If your trash pickup days are scheduled for Tuesday and Friday, why is the trash truck showing up at 11:30 P.M. on Monday and Thursday? If it waited thirty more minutes, I couldn’t complain since technically it would be Tuesday and Friday. However, I didn’t get any trash picked up this week because the truck showed up early. Next Monday, I will be prepared. I will make sure that one of the boys has the cans pulled up by the side of the road before 11:30 P.M.  That way if they show up early once again, at least my week-and-a-half’s worth of trash can be picked up. But I have decided if the trash truck shows up the night before again, I am calling to register a complaint. If they want to change the pickup days, that’s fine, but they should at least tell us.

3. Since the red and the orange jellybeans are the best, why aren’t there more of them in a bag? Better yet, why aren’t they selling bags filled with nothing but red and/or orange jellybeans at the stores where I shop? Why should I have to go out of town or order online to buy single-flavored bags of jellybeans? I pick out the red and orange ones, and my poor children are left with all the other flavors, which they’ll usually work their way through and eat, but I would find things much simpler if they’d just sell bags that were made up of one flavor. Of course, they could still sell the multi-flavored bags for those who like all the flavors, but it would be a good marketing strategy to sell single-flavored bags of jellybeans in all local markets.

4. What book should I read next? Between all the actual books I have on the shelves in my house and the books I have available on my Kindle, I spend too much time trying to decide which one to read next. Obviously, I eventually choose, but over the course of time if I added up all the minutes I’ve used to try to choose a book, I’ve probably used enough time to read another book. Considering I’m behind on my resolution for the year, that could be a big deal.

5. While I don’t consider any of these to be life-altering, philosophical questions, I can’t help but wonder: how long could a philosophy class debate any of the above questions? I think the third one would give them the most to talk about.

For now, though, it’s not time to ponder these questions, but instead it’s time to go start another book, since I actually made a decision earlier about which one to read next.