Spring break is nearly officially over. As the evening winds down, thoughts of what I have planned for my classes tomorrow start to fill my head. I’ve successfully kept those thoughts at bay for most of the break, but with 6:30 A.M. lurking just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about getting back to work.

Upon our return, we have 25 days of school left. That’s not a lot. Those days will fly by. The end of the school year is always somewhat chaotic; there’s so much to try to get done before the year officially ends. Considering we only have 25 days left, and we’re getting out in April (I think we’re all still having trouble believing that), this year may well end up being more chaotic than all the others.

I enjoyed my break, finished reading a book, started another but don’t think I’m actually going to have it finished by the time I go to work in the morning, helped Trav move into a new apartment, and tried some new recipes. It’s a good thing I managed to get caught up on a little bit of rest during the break because I’ll need it to get through the marathon that will be the end of the school year.

The last week of school is senior trip, which means I only have 4 weeks to make sure that I’ve covered everything I need to cover. The last two weeks of school are reserved for testing, which takes me down to 3 weeks to make sure I have everything covered. Final projects and presentations will fill at least a week of that time, which brings me down to 2 weeks to make sure everything is finished. If I were prone to panic attacks, now might be a good time to have one.

When I look at how filled the weekends leading up to the end of school are, it just makes me realize how quickly the time will indeed fly by. The remaining weekends will be filled with dress shopping for Nic’s graduation, an anniversary trip for Jimmy and me, prom, my Rick Springfield concert, leaving for senior trip, and graduation. I get tired just thinking about it.

Fortunately, my evenings will be mostly free. There are two evenings I will need to stay for PD to finish up my hours, but other than that, I should have most of my evenings free. As the school year winds down, there are fewer papers to grade. Of course, right now, I’m choosing not to think about the 30 English 200 research papers that will be coming my way on April 6. With everything else going on, there’s no point in stressing about that right now.

For now, though, it’s time to settle in and watch the new episode of Worst Cooks in America, and I’ll save thinking about work until tomorrow. I’m entitled to a few more hours of peace, right?