I’m as happy as anybody else that the University of Kentucky Wildcats have found their way into the Final Four in New Orleans. I also hope they soundly defeat those Louisville Cardinals to make it into the championship game, and I would love to celebrate a UK National Championship win on my anniversary.

I’ve seen some pictures of the celebrations that have been underway in Lexington after UK made it to the Final Four. If this is what they do for a trip to the Final Four, I’m afraid it will get seriously dangerous if (or should I say when?) the Cats win the National Championship. There’s nothing wrong with celebrating your team’s victories, but there’s no reason to be stupid about it.

First, couch burning? I’m sorry, but I just don’t see how that is a rational way to celebrate. First of all, they’re breaking the law by building a fire in the middle of the street. Second, since they’ve now burned the couch, what will they sit on to watch the next game? Or do these folks have enough money to burn that they buy couches to keep on hand just so they have one to burn after the big win? Seriously, though, burning a couch in the middle of the street presents some serious safety issues, which means couch burning is not a sane way to celebrate a victory.

Second, standing on the roof? I totally don’t get that either, but I saw several pictures where folks were standing on the roof. It takes a lot of effort to get on the roof, and it’s not the safest place to be. Perhaps they’re trying to avoid the burning couch in the middle of the street, but I’m willing to bet there are safer places to be to avoid the burning couch. Folks, it really is just a ball game, and that’s not really a good reason to risk breaking your neck.

Third, alcohol? I’ve never been able to determine how getting drunk is a way to celebrate. Personally, I prefer being able to remember the memorable moments in my life; if you get drunk, how do you do that? Do you really want the only memory of the memorable moments in your life to be the terrible hangover you had the next day? I wouldn’t think so. And for the folks I saw in the pictures, they really need to consider a couple other things. First, if they are under 21, and there is a picture of them holding or drinking the alcoholic beverage, they could be charged with a crime. Second, even if they are over 21, if it can be determined that they are on the campus grounds with the alcohol, there could be school-related consequences since the campus is an alcohol-free zone. As I continually keep telling my students, pictures can come back to haunt you, especially if they are published, so be careful what you’re being photographed doing, and be careful what pictures of you get published.

There’s nothing wrong with celebrating a big win. However, be smart about it, and be safe about it. Don’t risk ruining your life by being stupid when you celebrate the big wins. After all, you want to be safe and healthy so you can celebrate the next big win. There are plenty of fun and safe ways to celebrate a win that don’t involve couch burning, roof climbing, or drinking.

And while I know UK Men’s Basketball is king in Kentucky, you UK fans need to share the love. If your women’s team keeps playing the way they’ve played in the first half against Gonzaga, they’ll be making their own Elite 8 appearance, and your baseball team started the season with 22 straight wins, with their first loss coming last Friday. Having a baseball team with a record of 24-1 is pretty good.

Let’s all be ready to celebrate big wins next weekend, but let’s not get anybody hurt in the process.

C-A-T-S! Cats! Cats! Cats! (And by the way, don’t forget to cheer for all the Wildcat and Ladycat teams … UK all the way!)