Another month has come and gone, so it’s time for my monthly update blog to let you know how well I’m doing with keeping my 2012 New Year’s resolutions.

You may remember I made five simple resolutions, because simple resolutions are much easier to keep. So, let’s see how I’m doing.

1. My writing resolution is working out about the same. I am managing to write something every day, and I am managing to post a blog every day. Sometimes I feel like it’s decent stuff, and other times I’m not as happy with it, but I think that goes with the territory of being a writer. Not everything will be a masterpiece. The third part of my writing resolution is still the part that needs the most work. I am making slow progress on my project, but it’s not getting the two days per week that I’d like it to. There’s only one month of school left, and I’m really hoping that during the three months I have off this summer that I can make up for what I’ve failed to do so far with the project.

2. My reading goal is progressing slowly. I’m up to having 12.5 books that I’ve read so far. That’s quite a bit under the 6.25 per month I’d hoped to do to stay on pace to hit 75 for the year. It puts me about a month behind. I’m not really worried, though, because with those three full months off this summer, I don’t anticipate having any trouble making up the difference, and even going ahead, of the monthly goal. I still believe 75 for the year is doable.

3. My weight loss goal has taken a step backward. As you may remember I gave up Diet Dew for Lent, and over the course of the last month, I’ve been drinking some Cherry 7-Up. I can’t find that in diet, so while Cherry 7-Up is a great-tasting drink, it was a bad choice. I managed to gain back what I’d lost so far, but that only strengthens my resolve. I’ve given up the Cherry 7-Up, and I’ve started tracking my foods using my Weight Watchers tools. The last time Nic and I signed up for Weight Watchers online, I bought both of us a set of the “tools” that were available – a tracker that calculates points values and tracks our daily usage and a set of books that include points values for a variety of foods and that includes point values for restaurant food items. I started using these tools again this week, and despite being in Pigeon Forge for my anniversary and eating out at some great restaurants, I think the week will turn out OK. If not, I only have an anniversary onceĀ a year, so I won’t worry about it too much, and I’ll be better with my tracking next week. Either way, I’m sure that once I start tracking regularly, then I’ll be fine, and I’ll see the weight start to drop off.

4. My recipe challenge is probably my favorite resolution, and one of the best ideas I’ve had in a while, though I do have to be careful to make sure it doesn’t interfere with my weight loss resolution. March was another good month for cooking in the Raines house. This month, we tried a variety of recipes. We tried two grilled cheese recipes, and both were successes: Grilled Apple, Bacon, and Cheddar Grilled Cheese with Roasted Red Onion Mayo and Tyler’s Mozzarella Grilled Cheese Sandwiches. Jimmy created a turkey club sandwich that was also very good. We tried a couple of casserole-style dishes: Chicken and Dumpling Casserole and Green Onion Chicken with Linguine. Again, both of these were a success. I did one side dish recipe, Baked Herb and Parmesan Potatoes, and these potatoes were delicious. Finally, I did two different crock pot recipes: Dr. Pepper Roast and Cajun Pot Roast. The Dr. Pepper Roast was OK, but I preferred the Cajun Pot Roast which was exceptional. Once again, we’ve managed to average more than one new recipe, and regardless of what happens with the other resolutions, I see this as one that will stay with us, even after 2012 is over. And as always I’ll be happy to share my recipes with you.

5. My final resolution of keeping you updated is once again achieved. I really like this resolution as well because it gives me a chance to stop and periodically take stock of how I’m doing. In addition, knowing I have to report it to someone helps to keep me on track. I look forward to the April update, and I hope to see further improvement in those areas where I’m lacking.