Snow days aren’t for productivity, right? They’re for doing stuff that’s all fun and games, right? Here it is, nearly 6:00 P.M. on this Friday (at the time of this writing), and I feel like I’ve wasted a good snow day.

I haven’t done any of the reading that I wanted to, though I hope to remedy that after I get the blog written. That includes both my Bible reading and reading in Catching Fire. In about an hour, I’m going to have to start cooking, since my goal is to not eat after 9:00 P.M., I need to have supper done by 8:00, so I can eat. That will give me just a little reading time before having to go cook.

I haven’t read those English 200 essays, though they do need to be graded. Since they’re giving more snow for tomorrow, which means it’s likely I won’t be going anywhere, I may try to get those knocked out of the way so I can go back to reading for fun, or working on that project that I want to have finished by the end of the year.

So what have I done with my entire snow day? I didn’t get up until after 10 this morning, but when I did get up, I did two sets of exercises, one from the Daily Dozen DVD and another from the Walk Away the Pounds DVD. Of course, after that, a bath was necessary. Then it was time to load the dishwasher and eat breakfast. The rest of the afternoon? I did tax returns. It took a little while, but I managed to get my and Jimmy’s return filed electronically. After that, I took care of Cody’s return, and finally, I had to go back in and amend the FAFSA, changing our “will file” status to “filed,” and entering the new information. After spending the afternoon with all those forms and numbers, I really don’t feel like doing much else.

I suppose since I did accomplish getting two tax returns filed and amending a FAFSA, I can consider it a productive snow day, even though it wasn’t the fun stuff. Of course, now that it’s done, I can enjoy the remainder of the snow weekend. That will include reading for fun, working on the project, and reading English 200 essays (I’m assuming those will be enjoyable, at least).

For now, though, it’s time to let the blog sit here until my editor can read it, and do my Bible reading, before going to cook supper. I’m looking forward to supper tonight, General Tso’s chicken and fried rice. Who said dieting and watching what you eat had to be boring?