Prayer is a powerful tool. It can relieve anxiety. It can comfort us in uncomfortable situations. It allows us to be thankful for our many blessings. It allows us to ask for favors, for ourselves and for others. Right now, I know several folks in need of extra prayers on their behalf. For today’s blog, I’m going to list some of those. I’m not going to give specific, identifying information; however, if you would be so kind as to whisper a prayer for each of these situations, I’ve no doubt that God knows exactly who you’re praying for.

My pastor leaves today for a mission trip to Niger. He will be gone for two weeks. Please pray for travel safety. It’s always a little trickier when traveling to foreign countries, so please pray that goes well. Pray that he will be able to successfully deliver the messages from God that the people of Niger need to hear, that they will be receptive to God’s message, and that God’s kingdom will grow. While he’s away, his wife and children will be here, so remember them in your prayers as well. The children are old enough to be of assistance to their mother, but it’s still hard when the daily routine is disrupted. Given where we live and the winter weather we’re having, that will also make things a bit more difficult for them. As a church, we’ll be having guest preachers for the Sundays our pastor will be gone, so please pray for them as well.

I know a lot of college students taking a lot of tough courses this semester. These students are working hard so they can have good careers upon graduation. In addition to dealing with tough course loads, right now they are also having to deal with being out in this nasty winter weather. Please pray for their health and safety; that the winter weather doesn’t make them sick, so they can attend classes and that they arrive safely on campus and back home. Also pray that they have study time in their schedules and that they don’t become too stressed out worrying over their classes.

A couple of my former students, who were also teammates with my son when they were younger, lost their mother in a car accident this week. Both of these boys are young, and this is a terrible thing for them to have to endure. They lost their grandfather (her father) to illness at Christmas, and now this. They are both expecting daughters of their own later this summer. It’s just an all-around sad situation. I’ve watched these boys grow up and had known their mother for years, and this just breaks my heart. Please pray for their comfort as they learn to adjust to this major change in their lives.

As this winter continues to wreck havoc on us, pray for safety, especially for those who must travel to work in these dangerous conditions. Also, say an extra prayer of safety for those who must work outdoors during this time, especially the road crews and emergency first responders who try to keep the roads clear and safe for us and who respond to us when accidents happen. I know that as my daughter has to travel 40 minutes to her job while I stay home for a snow day, I’m a nervous wreck until I know she’s arrived safely. I know there are many like her who have to travel like that in order to get to work, so please pray for their traveling safety. For those who live alone, pray that someone is checking on them during this extreme winter weather. And as the weather can create not only travel problems but problems at home, please pray that heat pumps and electricity keep working, that those who use firewood or gas have an abundant supply, and that water pipes don’t freeze. In addition, pray that those who have electric bills that significantly increase during these frigid days will have a way to pay those bills.

Prayer works. I’ve witnessed it too many times to doubt it. Thanks in advance to all of you who send up some prayers for those items I’ve mentioned. May God bless each of you.