Some of you may know that I write poetry. I haven’t written any in a while. There just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day. I find it interesting from time to time, though, to revisit the poems I’ve written in the past, remembering the circumstances that resulted in the particular formation of words on paper. My students believe that it would always be easier if we had a poet’s explanation for every poem they have to read. While that may be true, I also like the mystery attached to a poem that allows us to explore the arrangement of words on a page to arrive at some personal connection. Having said that, though, I’m going to share one of the poems I’ve written, a long time ago, and which I think is pretty self explanatory. The title of this poem is “A Grand Designer” and it lays out pretty clearly which side of the creation argument I’m on. Hope you enjoy.

As I gaze around the earth

In wonderment and awe

I question how anyone

Could doubt Your existence.

The universe so vast and

Filled with amazing creatures

Could not have been an accident.

Too much calculation and deliberation

Had to go into its preparation.

Each organism upon the earth

From the feeblest to the most robust

Is an invention perfectly unique.

The survival methods we have

Are too complicated to be

Considered an accidental occurrence.

Only an omniscient grand designer

Could have arranged such features.

Creating the segments of

Our humble and dependent lives.

How can anyone doubt

The Creator’s existence?