It seems like there are times when I’m watching movie trailers on TV, and there’s nothing that interests me. Other times, I want to watch almost every movie I see a trailer for. Right now, this is one of those times when I’m definitely in the mood to go to the theater, but the schedule is going to be so busy, I’m not sure that I’ll get to see all of them. For some, I’ll likely have to be content to wait for the DVD release.

Here are some of the upcoming movies I’d like to watch.

Lone Survivor – I’m always intrigued by movies based on actual historical events, especially where the issues are not clearly black and white.

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit – I haven’t really watched any Jack Ryan movies, but ever since Field of Dreams, I love Kevin Costner. Based on his appearance alone in the previews, I’m ready to watch this one.

August: Osage County – I like Julia Roberts, and the previews of this movie kind of remind me of one of my favorite movies, which also happens to star Roberts, Steel Magnolias. Therefore, I’m in.

Labor Day – I tend to like Kate Winslet and I’m intrigued as to what the story is of the drifter/escaped convict.

The Monuments Men – Again, we have a movie based on actual historical events, and with a cast of George Clooney, Matt Damon, and Bill Murray, why wouldn’t you want to watch?

3 Days to Kill – Just saw this preview last night, but it has Kevin Costner. If you remember my earlier comments about Costner, you know why I’m ready to watch this one.

Son of God – I haven’t seen this preview, but IMDB tells me it comes out in February. This movie is supposed to present the life of Jesus, so I’m interested to see how accurate that presentation turns out to be.

Divergent – I’ve just read this trilogy, and I’m intrigued to see how well the movie presents it. The trailer doesn’t reveal much about that, but based on the trailer, I think they’ve made a good choice with Shailene Woodley playing Tris.

Noah – Again, I haven’t seen a trailer yet, but IMDB tells me this movie comes out in March, and it has Russell Crowe playing Noah. And again, I’ll be interested to see how this biblical story is portrayed.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier – I’ve become a fan of the Avengers heroes, and Captain America is my favorite (with Thor a close second), so, of course, I’ll be ready to watch this movie.

That takes me through April, and there will probably be other releases that I haven’t heard of yet. Hopefully, though, this means that 2014 will be a good movie year.