Today was a great day. What better way to spend a Sunday than with your family?

The day began with church, and today was Mady’s baby dedication. Her parents, her family, and her church family committed to teaching her how to live for Jesus Christ. And that, my friends, is a huge commitment, but she is definitely worth it. This beautiful moment was shared with Mady by her parents, both sets of her grandparents, her aunts and uncles, and her first cousins. A baby is a tremendous blessing and a tremendous responsibility. As her family, we are not only responsible for her physical growth, but also for her spiritual growth. You know, it doesn’t seem all that long ago that I did a child dedication for my own children, and then here today, we’re did it for my granddaughter. We are so truly blessed.

The great day didn’t end there, though. After church, all my kids (and that always includes the daughter-in-law and the daughters-in-law-to-be), my parents, and my brother Greg and his family came over to my house. I cooked tater soup, chicken and dumplings, and thanks to the Cuisinart Griddler, grilled hot dogs. After the fiasco of the crock pot tater soup, I returned to my original recipe and used it. I was not disappointed this time. I did, however, try a crock pot recipe I found for chicken and dumplings. Unlike the tater soup, the dumplings were a huge success. Everybody loved them, and for that I’m glad. That means I can have dumplings more often, and without as much work. Just put it in the crock pot and have dumplings when I get home from work? Sounds like a plan to me. For dessert, I had Nic fix a pumpkin crumb cake and there was leftover apple crisp from Friday night.

Besides eating well, the boys watched football. Today was a split, with the Packers losing and the Patriots winning. We still had a great afternoon, though, of food, football, and conversation. Mady got to be spoiled by everybody, especially her great-grandparents. These are the things that make for not only a great day, but a great life. I don’t understand those who aren’t close with their families. These relationships are the most precious ones we have. I can’t even begin to express how thankful I am for the family I was blessed with.

Everybody’s gone home now, and two of the three kids have returned to Lexington for another week of class. Nic gets to spend a couple extra days at home, which makes me happy. My best days are the ones when all the kids are here and we’re just hanging out together. I just can’t say it often enough. I am so blessed.

Your family is important. I hope you cherish every moment that you have with them.