What Movies Are You Looking Forward To?

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It seems like there are times when I’m watching movie trailers on TV, and there’s nothing that interests me. Other times, I want to watch almost every movie I see a trailer for. Right now, this is one of those times when I’m definitely in the mood to go to the theater, but the schedule is going to be so busy, I’m not sure that I’ll get to see all of them. For some, I’ll likely have to be content to wait for the DVD release.

Here are some of the upcoming movies I’d like to watch.

Lone Survivor – I’m always intrigued by movies based on actual historical events, especially where the issues are not clearly black and white.

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit – I haven’t really watched any Jack Ryan movies, but ever since Field of Dreams, I love Kevin Costner. Based on his appearance alone in the previews, I’m ready to watch this one.

August: Osage County – I like Julia Roberts, and the previews of this movie kind of remind me of one of my favorite movies, which also happens to star Roberts, Steel Magnolias. Therefore, I’m in.

Labor Day – I tend to like Kate Winslet and I’m intrigued as to what the story is of the drifter/escaped convict.

The Monuments Men – Again, we have a movie based on actual historical events, and with a cast of George Clooney, Matt Damon, and Bill Murray, why wouldn’t you want to watch?

3 Days to Kill – Just saw this preview last night, but it has Kevin Costner. If you remember my earlier comments about Costner, you know why I’m ready to watch this one.

Son of God – I haven’t seen this preview, but IMDB tells me it comes out in February. This movie is supposed to present the life of Jesus, so I’m interested to see how accurate that presentation turns out to be.

Divergent – I’ve just read this trilogy, and I’m intrigued to see how well the movie presents it. The trailer doesn’t reveal much about that, but based on the trailer, I think they’ve made a good choice with Shailene Woodley playing Tris.

Noah – Again, I haven’t seen a trailer yet, but IMDB tells me this movie comes out in March, and it has Russell Crowe playing Noah. And again, I’ll be interested to see how this biblical story is portrayed.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier – I’ve become a fan of the Avengers heroes, and Captain America is my favorite (with Thor a close second), so, of course, I’ll be ready to watch this movie.

That takes me through April, and there will probably be other releases that I haven’t heard of yet. Hopefully, though, this means that 2014 will be a good movie year.

Your Assignment Is …

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As a writer, it’s sometimes hard to come up with something to write. When you’re writing a blog, you want to write about the things people want to read about. Sometimes I think I manage to do that, and others I’m not so sure.

The general idea behind my blog is to try to make sense out of things where sometimes there doesn’t seem to be any sense. I hope from time to time I’ve managed to do that. Sometimes I have trouble deciding what I want to write, and on those days, writing can be very frustrating. I want to write every day. That’s one of my goals. Writing is a skill and the only way to improve is to write. However, if I’m going post something on the blog, I want it to be worth your time. I totally understand how valuable time is, and if you’re going to use your time to visit my blog, I want you to find something that’s worth the visit.

I’m sure that for different folks that would be different types of items. Not all of us like to read the same kinds of things, so I’m sure some days your visit is better for you than others. My goal is to make every visit a good one for you.

I find topics in a variety of places. Sometimes it’s the news. Sometimes it’s whatever’s going on in my life. Sometimes it’s a reaction to an encounter I’ve had with someone. Sometimes it’s about something that has been irritating me, and I just want to rant a little bit. And sometimes it’s just random, some idea that comes to me and I decide to start writing and see where I end up.

Sometimes as a writer, you get lucky and find a topic that generates a lot of interest. Some major news story breaks (remember the Casey Anthony verdict from last summer, or the Penn State football scandal?), and you get a chance to put your two-cents’ worth in. Or perhaps, there’s a great television show, movie, or other entertainment item that gives you something to write about (Next Food Network Star, Captain America, or the History Channel’s Hatfields and McCoys). Holidays offer something to write about, and if you’re a parent, your children are always a source of inspiration. I look in all these areas to find something to write about each day. As a writer, you can never stop looking for something to write about.

Periodically I get emails from WordPress, and sometimes those emails contain suggestions for blogging. I saw a suggestion the other day, and I thought I’d give it a try. The suggestion was simple: ask your readers what you should write about. So, dear readers, that’s what I’m going to do. Through the next week, starting today (Sunday) and ending on Saturday, I’m going to take suggestions. You can post them in the comment section of the blog, email them to me using the link on the blog, send me a Facebook message, or post a comment on the Facebook link that I share. I can’t promise to write about every topic I receive, but I will acknowledge your response, and if it’s an appropriate topic, I will do my best to write about it for you.

So, I guess this is a blog with a homework assignment. I guess it’s the teacher in me coming out. But get your thinking caps on, decide what you’d like to read about in the blog, then send me a suggestion or two. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

The First Avenger Is the Best

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Captain America is my new favorite superhero.

The superhero movie genre hasn’t necessarily been one of my favorites, but I usually ended up watching them with my kids. And more often than not, I would enjoy the movie. Unlike my kids, I didn’t generally have the desire to watch the movie over and over again. After watching Captain America: The First Avenger, I have found a superhero movie I will enjoy time after time.

I went into the movie with no real knowledge about the character of Captain America. I don’t read superhero comic books. I wasn’t sure if he was a Marvel or a DC character (it’s Marvel, by the way). I knew nothing of his background, his origins, his lady love, or his arch-nemesis. All I really knew was Captain America is a superhero for the good guys (that’d be us). As I’m a stickler for following original storylines, whether it be for books or comics, after the movie I asked Jimmy how well the movie had done in that regard. He said it had done a good job, so that’s good enough for me.

I enjoyed the story of how the underdog Steve Rogers becomes the superhero Captain America. Especially at the time of World War II, but even for today, it’s a story of hope. You don’t always have to be the underdog. We can’t all be given a serum to make us superhuman, but we can follow Steve Rogers’s lead of not giving up on our dreams.

The actors did an awesome job of bringing these characters to life. I’ll be honest. I couldn’t remember anything else that Chris Evans had been in, but Jimmy reminded me that he was the Human Torch in the Fantastic Four films. My response? “Oh, the Fire Guy.” Jimmy just chuckled when I told him that I liked Evans much better as Captain America than as the Fire Guy. I know absolutely nothing about Hugo Weaving who plays Johann Schmidt / Red Skull, but he played a great villain. I also know absolutely nothing about Hayley Atwell, but she almost made me cry as love-interest Peggy Carter. Tommy Lee Jones is one of my favorite actors of all time. I don’t think he’s played a character that I didn’t love. Colonel Chester Phillips is no exception.

If you aren’t normally into superhero movies, you should give Captain America a try. If you are like me and have no prior knowledge, that’s OK. The movie will tell you everything you need to know. From what I understand, this movie is a lead-in for the movie The Avengers which will be released next year, a movie where several superheroes apparently meet and work together. This is another one of those that I’m clueless about, but if Captain America is there, I will be also.

At the Movies, Heroes Aren’t Hard to Find

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My comic book experience is very limited. I vaguely remember reading the Archie and Jughead comics, which is what I read when I was around ten or eleven, maybe even twelve. I remember the characters – Archie Andrews, Jughead Jones, Veronica Lodge, Betty Cooper, and Reggie Mantle. I’ll confess I had to look up the last names to make sure I had them right, but I did remember the first names. I remember Archie was in love with rich girl Veronica, Betty was Veronica’s friend, Jughead was Archie’s best friend, and Reggie managed to cause trouble. That’s about it, though. My memories are probably so scarce because I only read them sporadically, never religiously, and when it comes to comic book superhero knowledge, I’m even more limited.

What I know about superheroes comes from either movies or from someone filling me in, generally my husband, my sons, or my brothers. I’ll watch the movies and ask questions which they patiently answer while unable to contain their amusement at my comic ignorance. At least they are patient with me. And here’s a confession that will confound all comic book enthusiasts in the same way that I would be confounded if they confessed to me they did not know the difference between Edgar Allan Poe and Stephen King. I know it matters, but I don’t know which characters are Marvel and which are DC. I hope the die-hard comic book fans out there can forgive me.

I take it personally when a book is made into a movie and for whatever reasons the movie-makers feel the need to stray from the original text. I would be willing to bet that comic book aficionados feel the same way about the stories and characters they love. I know for a fact that my husband, sons, and brothers want the movies to stick to the stories.

I have watched all the Christopher Reeve Superman movies, and recently thanks to Cody and his girlfriend Tiffany watching DVDs of Smallville, I’ve been watching those as well. I’m still unsure how accurately the Reeve movies portray the story of Superman, and more than once I’ve had to ask Byron to explain something to me about Smallville. As a result, I’ve learned a little about Clark Kent and Superman and his arch-nemesis Lex Luthor. I knew the basics of the storyline – Krypton was going to explode and Superman’s parents sent him to Earth, his real name is Kal-El, he was taken in and raised by the Kent family, he loved first Lana Lang and then Lois Lane, the main bad guy is Lex, and Kryptonite can be his undoing. After watching several seasons’ worth of Smallville, though, I’ll confess that Lana Lang is a character I could have done without and Lex Luthor was really just misunderstood.

My knowledge of Spider-Man revolves around the Tobey Maguire Spider-Man movies, which I enjoyed more than the older Reeve Superman movies, which is probably due to less cheesiness in the acting and better character development. Again, I only knew the basic story for Spider-Man – the teenage Peter Parker who lives with Uncle Ben and Aunt May gets bitten by a radioactive spider giving him superhero abilities, and the love of his life is Mary Jane Watson. I knew nothing about the characters he had to fight in order to save the day. The Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, Venom, and Sandman were all new to me. The movies were good, and I’m working under the presumption that the storylines are close to the original comic book.

Recently, I watched Green Lantern, starring Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordan/Green Lantern, with my husband. This is one of Byron’s favorite comic book characters. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie; the story and the acting met with my approval. I was pleased when I asked Jimmy and Byron if the movie stuck to the original story of the creation of the character, and they told me it did. I had no idea what to expect when I walked into the theater, no clue about the original story, no clue what Green Lantern’s real name is or who his girlfriend is, no clue who the bad guys were supposed to be, and no clue that there’s actually a whole troop of Green Lanterns. As an English teacher, I’m pretty good at picking up on clues throughout a story, whether in a book or in a movie. While watching the movie, I knew that yellow ring was a bad idea; when they decided not to use the yellow ring, I knew the ring would come back to haunt them, and, of course, it did. When I told Byron this profound thing I had uncovered while watching the movie (this was in a text, by the way), he responds with something like a “no kidding lol”. I asked Jimmy why Byron was laughing at me, and he patiently explained that the whole point is the yellow ring creates the main bad guy, Sinestro. I was clueless.

And now, I’m eagerly awaiting Captain America: The First Avenger. This is another of Byron’s favorites, so I hope they’ve done a good job with it. This is also another story about which I’m completely clueless. I don’t know what will make Chris Evans’s character become Captain America, and I don’t know who he will have to fight to save the day. I don’t know what Captain America’s real name is, who his parents are, or who his girlfriend is. I’m looking forward to finding out, though, and I’m sure that I’ll end up making some comment to Byron, Jimmy, or somebody else who knows what’s going on, that will earn me a “no kidding lol” kind of response.