Normally, Friday is a day I look forward to, but not tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow I will get to see Trav, Ashley, Mady, and Nic, which is not how I normally spend a Friday. Yes, tomorrow I get to see Journey, Pat Benatar, and Loverboy in concert at the State Fair. Sounds like it should be a pretty good day, right? There’s something I’m not looking forward to, though. Tomorrow is the day I move my baby into his dorm at the University of Kentucky.

Don’t get me wrong. I am very excited for Cody and the new adventure he is about to begin. I do understand that life is built in stages and phases, and we are entering a new one. It’s one of those bittersweet things, though. This is the last time I get to start this phase of life with one of my children. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry.

I’ve had folks tell me that this drop off should be easier. After all, when I dropped Byron (the first one) off, he didn’t have anybody in Lexington, and he was getting a stranger for a roommate. Cody not only knows his roommate, but they’ve been friends for a while. Cody has people in Lexington, Trav and Nic. And these things do make me feel better about leaving him there than I did about leaving Byron there. This isn’t the same, though, and it’s definitely not easier. This time it’s my baby.

Now, those of you who know me know that I call all my kids my babies. But this is also different because it is the baby. Those of you who think it’s easy either don’t have children or you’ve not yet had to do this.

We’ve spent the week getting all his things ready. He and Tiffany have done some shopping. Piles of stuff – those things we have to take – are growing. Every time I walk by one, I want to cry. So far, I’ve been holding up pretty well. I think I may even do OK tomorrow, but that’s only because after I move him in, I’ll be going to the concert, then spending the night with Trav, and then on Saturday, I’ll be picking Cody up to take him for one last shopping trip before I actually leave him there. I have a feeling it won’t hit me with full force until I’m heading home on Saturday night. That doesn’t mean tomorrow will be easy; Jimmy may still have to drive on to Louisville, but it’s more likely he will definitely have to drive home from Lexington on Saturday.

I wish the best to all the students who are heading off to start their college careers. Keep all of them in your prayers, asking for a safe and successful year. But don’t forget to remember the parents, too. Whatever stage these parents are in – dropping off the first kid, the middle kid, or the baby – each stage has its own challenges, and the parents need the prayers to get through it.