Who doesn’t love a good grilled cheese sandwich? The thing is while the basic grilled cheese sandwich is indeed very good, one thing I’ve discovered with this recipe resolution I made is that there are a number of good grilled cheese sandwiches out there.

There is a catch, though. You have to be willing to step outside the box and try some new recipes. One of the things that drives me crazy is how my kids are, generally speaking, so unwilling to try new recipes. Byron and Trav are better about it than Nic and Cody, but more often than not, we have to depend on Theresa and Ashley to taste-test the new recipes we make. For the kids, though, they aren’t crazy about trying a new recipe that messes with an old favorite. For example, today, I told Byron I had found a recipe for chicken and dumpling casserole that I was going to try tonight, and I’d have it ready when he gets home from work. His response? “Why not just make chicken and dumplings?”

And I could do that, but anybody who’s made chicken and dumplings knows that it’s a lot of work. They taste great, but you have to work for it. The recipe I’m going to try sounds so much easier. If I like it, that’s not to say I’ll never make chicken and dumplings the old-fashioned way again, but I like the idea of having an option for a faster, easier way if I suddenly decide I want chicken and dumplings.

To date, we’ve tried about three variations on the grilled cheese sandwich. And, to date, I haven’t been able to convince one kid to try it. They don’t know what they’re missing. I try to tell them there is this huge world of flavor they are needlessly denying themselves. There are so many fabulous recipes they refuse to try. In a way, I can relate. I used to be a lot pickier when I was younger, but finally in my late twenties, I started trying lots of other foods. Amazingly, I discovered some great flavors. Now, I’ll try almost anything, almost being the key word there. I do still have my limits, but I’m open to at least trying new foods. More often than not, I am not disappointed.

One of the greatest things you wish for your kids is that they won’t make the same mistakes you did, and they will learn from your experiences, rather than having to figure out everything on their own. They have no idea how much easier their lives would be if they’d just listen to us about everything. I look back at the years I wasted being a pickier eater, and I wish they wouldn’t waste time with being picky eaters. I do take comfort in the fact, though, that I eventually came around, and so there’s still hope that they will.

If you’re interested in these grilled cheese sandwiches that we’ve tried, all of them are actually recipes from Food Network stars. One was the Neelys’ recipe, and we made it a while back, well before my recipe resolution came into play. I’d have to look up the particulars in order to remake it, but this grilled cheese consisted of cheddar cheese slices, bbq pulled pork, macaroni and cheese, and caramelized onions. The two recent ones, after the recipe resolution, were from Paula Deen and Tyler Florence. Paula’s was the Grilled Apple, Bacon, and Cheddar Sandwiches with Roasted Red Onion Mayo, and Tyler’s was the Mozzarella Grilled Cheese Sandwich. Paula’s recipe was made with Granny Smith apples, bacon, cheddar cheese, and the roasted red onion mayo on sourdough bread. Tyler’s recipe was made with fresh mozzarella, plum tomatoes, and pesto on French bread. All these grilled cheese sandwiches were amazing.

I hope my kids, and you readers, will all open your palates and be willing to try new recipes. I know many of us can be resistant to change, especially when it comes to messing with old favorites. However, if you’ll open yourself up to new ideas and flavors, what’s new today may soon become your new old favorite.