The year is almost over, and unfortunately, that also means that our Christmas break is almost over. This first week flew by, and now we only have the weekend and two days left before we have to return to work. Given the forecast, it seems safe to say that we will be returning to school as planned on January 2. Considering the last two snow “storms” that passed through Kentucky passed right over Breathitt County, it’s enough to make one believe that we are sheltered by a snow dome of some sort, which means our snow days will be few and far between. In one way, that’s kind of nice because we’ll still get out in mid-May and have a lengthy summer. In another, it’s awfully nice to get a snow day every once in a while. And if winter is going to be so dreadfully cold, there should be a snow day involved.

I’ve enjoyed the break so far. I’ve been able to spend lots of time with the hubby, the kids, and Mady, which always makes me happy. I’ve been reading like crazy, trying to hit that goal of 75 books, but slowly realizing that with only two full calendar days left, I’m probably going to fall short. It won’t be by much, but it will still be disappointing. I’ve eaten way too much over the days off, which has mostly killed the goal of losing 20 pounds by the end of the year, but, hey, it’s only Christmas once a year, and this is the only time of year we go crazy with making all kinds of goodies to snack on, so if I can just break even then I’ll be happy enough.

How do you plan to spend the last 2 1/2 days of 2012? I plan to read some more to put myself closer to that goal of 75 books, even though I’m starting to realize it probably won’t happen. Notice, though, I’m still using the word “probably.” Even with just 2 1/2 days left, I’m still not quite ready to concede defeat. I’ll write my blog detailing my failures and successes with the five resolutions that I set on January 1 of this year, and I’ll be planning my blog for January 1 of next year where I’ll set my new goals. Today, I’ll be doing another Christmas celebration since my brother Artie and his family was not able to be with us on Christmas Day. So in a few minutes, we’ll be heading back over to Mom’s for more good food and family fun.

The one thing I’ve not done over the entire break, and that I plan to keep that way, is to do anything related to work. When I left there on December 20, I had things organized so that I can go back on January 2 with a game plan. I made it a point to get that done so that I could enjoy the break without having to do anything work-related. It has worked out well, and I’m glad I had the foresight and the opportunity to do that.

For now, though, it’s time to finish getting ready so we can head on over to Mom’s and have some more Christmas fun. I realize that everyone isn’t as fortunate to have as much time off as I do, but I do hope that you are making the best of whatever you have. As I’ve said before, time is a precious commodity, and it’s up to you how you spend it. My prayer is that you will attempt to make every day your best one yet.