It’s a good thing we never get too old to learn. If we did, I might be in trouble, as I learned several new lessons this weekend.

1. I have the best husband in the world. On our trip to Sweetwater, I put the window down on the Explorer, and it would not go back up. We could hear the window motor humming away, trying its hardest to get that window to go back up, but it would not. The man did not complain one time, even though he was sitting by that window. And on Friday evening, it was rather chilly. Today’s trip back home was much better, the temperature reaching 82 degrees during the day, but I know sitting by that open window while traveling four hours could not have been fun.

2. I enjoy watching football. We were able to watch two youth games, one while waiting for my nephew’s game to start, and then my nephew’s game. Those kids played their little hearts out. My nephew was only in for one play during his game, but let’s just say he did an amazing job that one play. We were very proud of him. I should probably also give a shout out to the youth league cheerleaders. Let’s just say that in Sweetwater, TN, they take their youth football very seriously. The atmosphere was right up there with a Friday night high school game.

3. I have to be willing to let my kids go; they will be OK. I mentioned in my previous post that we had to drive two vehicles for the trip. Byron drove my car while I drove the Explorer. Byron had to leave for home earlier than I did because Theresa had plans for Sunday afternoon. I was nervous enough with him driving the four-hour trip with me in the lead, so just try to imagine my nervous level when he left at 9:30 this morning headed back to Jackson, with Theresa and Cody in tow, while Jimmy, Nic, and I hung out in Sweetwater a little bit longer. While I worried the entire time (hey, it’s just what I do), he did fine, and they made it home, with no problems at all, before I even left Sweetwater. I’ve come to accept that I’ll always have trouble with the letting go stuff, but it does make it a little easier when I can see that they will be fine without me there to monitor their every move.

4. The drive from Jackson to Sweetwater and back again is a better drive than the one from Jackson to Michigan and back again. I made several trips to Michigan to see my brother when he lived up there, but I’ll admit, I hated that drive. I-75 through Ohio is one of the most boring drives I’ve ever made. I appreciate those who farm, but mile after mile after mile of cornfields is almost more than I can stand. This weekend’s drive was rather relaxing (except for that whole window issue). The mountains were beautiful. The fall foliage was beautiful. The scenery was much more energizing than cornfield after cornfield.

I suppose if I’m honest with myself, I already knew all of these things, so maybe I didn’t really learn anything new after all. However, it doesn’t hurt to be reminded of the good things you already know every once in a while.