Now that Thanksgiving Day is over and Black Friday has passed, what is one to do for the remainder of the weekend? How about going to a University of Kentucky football game? Yes, you read that right … a UK football game, not basketball. It’s not just any football game, though, it’s the final game of the season, and it’s against Tennessee, you know … the team that holds the third longest winning streak against a single team in NCAA history (and that team would be us). The Wildcats’ last football win over the Vols came in 1984, when I was fifteen years old, and before the players for either team had even been born. That’s right. During the players’ lifetimes, the Vols had won every football game played between these two teams. Until today.

Today was a great day for football. It was windy, sometimes a little too windy, but overall, the temperature was just fine. We were comfortable with just a jacket, and there was no need to lug all the blankets in. I, for one, am glad they went with the 12:21 start time.

We made the event a family affair, even if we didn’t all get to sit together. We had four tickets given to us, and Trav and Ashley were able to buy student tickets, which just left me having to buy two guest tickets to get all of our crew in, except for Theresa who is in Alabama visiting family over the holiday weekend. A good portion of the extended family was also there. My dad, brothers Greg and Brian, sister-in-law Kristy, and nephews Mikey and Brayden also were there. For Nicole, Brayden, and Tiffany, it was their first UK football game, and what a great first-game experience they had.

We chose the Tennessee game because our hometown boy, Channing Fugate, plays for the Vols, and we hoped this would be our chance to watch him play some college ball. He did get in some plays, but not nearly as much as we would’ve liked. We were hoping he’d get a lot of playing time, have a good game and some good numbers, but at the same time, we were hoping for the miracle that would allow UK to actually win the game.

Of course, we were thrilled that UK scored first, and that the Tennessee field-goal attempt was blocked. I asked Byron why we were not passing the football at all, and he told me that our quarterback for today was actually a wide receiver because both of our regular quarterbacks were injured. It was nearly unbelievable that we went into halftime with a 3-point lead. Even more unbelievable was the score was still 3-0 going into the fourth quarter. Luckily, UK scored a touchdown first, making the score 10-0; unfortunately, Tennessee answered that score rather quickly, making the score 10-7. As time ticked off the clock, and the realization began to set in that UK was going to win the game, the euphoria in Commonwealth Stadium created an amazing experience.

My dear husband hates football; however, I’ve lost count of the games he’s been to in the past couple years. I’m sure he could probably tell you, though. He doesn’t have to go to these games; we’d still go even if he didn’t want to, and we’d all be fine with that. But he likes spending time with us, and so he goes. Sometimes, I think he secretly has a good time, though. Even he was standing when UK scored their touchdown, and even he was standing as the final minutes ticked off the clock and the Tennessee fans in their gaudy orange began to leave the game.

Just like when we were at the Seger concert the other night and had some interesting folks sitting around us, we had some interesting characters around us at the football game. To our right was Guy with the Flask. Fortunately, he didn’t seem to be trying to get drunk, just occasionally quenching his thirst. He was somewhat entertaining, though, offering his commentary about the game and about the coach. Just below him was just a guy. The two girls sitting with him turned to apologize in advance to the folks in the row behind them, including Guy with the Flask, for the anticipated behavior of the guy who would be sitting beside them. He shows up, and even he isn’t terribly obnoxious, but he only stayed through halftime. Byron said the guy was wasted, but I didn’t agree. After Guy in the Checkered Shirt from the Seger concert, I decided this guy was only half-wasted. He was, after all, able to stand and sit of his own accord, and he left on his own at halftime. Our guess is he left because Guy with the Flask wouldn’t share the flask with him.

We also had the Guy in the Black Sweatshirt who gave a stern lecture to Guy in the Gray Sweatshirt after a significant play. Unfortunately, I don’t remember the play now, but it was significant at the time. They exchanged some words, while Guy with the Flask kept yelling “Down in front”, and finally Guy in the Black Sweatshirt did hush and sit down, prompting a round of applause from Guy in the White Sweatshirt who was a few rows in front of them. The whole exchange might have made more sense had one been a UK fan and one a Tennessee fan, but both were supporting UK. We discovered the funny thing about your team pulling off a miracle win, though, is how it brings people together. As we’re leaving the stadium, we look over and Guy in the Black Sweatshirt and Guy in the Gray Sweatshirt are acting like bosom buddies.

Nic had said she wanted to go to Steak n Shake after the game to eat. She had asked me about three times where we were going, and I told her I didn’t know, so Jimmy asked her where she wanted to go, and so Steak n Shake it was. We had to wait 20-25 minutes to get a seat. At Steak n Shake. Not Johnny Carino’s. Not Old Chicago. Not Malone’s Steakhouse. But Steak n Shake. We did, however, have a great waiter, so the entertainment supplied by Flannery (his last name) was worth the wait. The food was pretty good, too; either that, or I was so starved since the last thing I’d had to eat was a chicken biscuit from Hardee’s about nine hours earlier. Either way, we had good food and good entertainment and more of each other’s good company. Flannery made friends with Cody and Tiffany. The best part of the meal was the milkshake I got to go. Normally, I don’t switch things up much, and I’m typically a chocolate shake kind of girl. However, on the menu, I saw a chocolate-covered strawberry shake that looked divine, so I went with that, and it was definitely the right choice. It was probably the best milkshake I’ve ever had.

Nearly twelve hours after we left home, we arrived back home. Yes, that makes for a long day, but any day that I get to spend with my kids and my husband is a great day. A UK win was icing on the cake.

Tomorrow is the last day of our long holiday break. It may be shameful to say but I’m already looking forward to Christmas break (or a snow day or two). I just love spending time with my family, and that’s just so much easier to do when we’re not having to go to work or school. And since my family is growing – I will become a first-time grandmother in July – I’ll be counting down the days and looking forward even more to our family time together. Nothing in the world can beat quality time with your family.