Making Memories in Florida

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This year our vacation was a trip to Florida and included Byron, Theresa, Nicole, Travis, Ashley, Mady, Lily, Jimmy, and me. Regretfully, Cody and Tiffany were not able to join us, and I missed them terribly.

We left on a Friday afternoon and drove to Spartanburg, South Carolina. We spent the night at a Sleep Inn, and as hotels go, it was OK. We left the next morning and headed to Savannah where we had reservations at The Lady and Sons for lunch. Our first bump in the road came when we showed up at the restaurant, and they didn’t have the reservation down, despite the fact I had called six weeks earlier to make it. I was concerned because we were a party of nine, and often it’s difficult to seat that many; however, they managed to get us in just 20 minutes after our original reservation time, so I was appeased. We all ordered from the buffet, and we enjoyed it. Neither Jimmy nor I are fond of chicken with bones and skin, and that’s what’s available on the buffet. He wasn’t so crazy about it, but I liked it alright. The mashed potatoes and gravy, though, were out of this world. We had choices of peach cobbler, ooey gooey butter cake, or banana pudding for dessert. These, too, were fabulous, especially the ooey gooey butter cake.  It was so fabulous, Nic and I can’t wait to try making it ourselves.

After leaving The Lady and Sons, we headed on toward Kissimmee to check into our condo. Traveling with little ones makes the trip longer than normal, but that’s OK. The girls traveled really well to be so young. We stopped every 2 1/2 to 3 hours so they could get out and run around. That helped. Finally, about 10:00 that night, we checked in at the condo. The next three days were devoted to Universal Studios for Byron, Theresa, Nic, Trav, and Ashley. They’d bought their tickets online when there was a “buy two days, get the third day free” sale. Nic was especially excited to see all the new additions to Harry Potter World. While the big kids were at Universal, Jimmy and I were babysitting the girls. The condo had a playground, and we took the girls out there one day. They loved it. On Monday, we took the girls to Universal in the afternoon. Mady rode a couple rides, and Lily stayed with us to eat lunch at Margaritaville. She loved the mac and cheese there. I loved the jambalaya there, even though I was starting to get a sinus infection. Both Mady and Lily stayed to watch the parade while Jimmy and I went back to the condo. The worst part of the trip was this afternoon and evening when the sinus infection was taking hold of me. The next morning, though, I called my doctor, and being the wonderful person that she is, she called in an antibiotic for me to the Walmart pharmacy just down the street from our condo.

So, on Tuesday afternoon, while the big kids were yet again at Universal, we picked up my antibiotic and began packing things up for the next leg of our vacation. On Wednesday morning, we checked out and drove over to the Daytona area. We ate lunch at Aunt Catfish’s on the River, which was good as usual. I was able to enjoy the crab cake, which was really good, but I only was able to eat about half my fish because of the sinus drainage. Everyone else seemed to enjoy their lunches though. It was still a little too early to check in to our hotel, so we visited a couple gift shops. We checked in and then spent the remainder of the evening on the beach.

I loved having the opportunity to watch the girls see the beach and the ocean for the first time. Mady was excited about building sand castles but was determined not to get into the water. Both girls loved playing in the sand, but Lily was ecstatic about the ocean. She would have stayed in the water and been perfectly content. We really had to keep an eye on her because whenever she noticed the ocean, that’s where she was headed. She loved walking in it, sitting in it, and splashing in it. She sometimes liked being held while in the ocean, but often this just frustrated her because she wanted to be down and actually in the water. Mady warmed up to the ocean. The first night, she let me carry her out but we couldn’t go too far. It couldn’t be far enough that she would actually get wet. The second night, she let me take her further and was OK with getting splashed by the waves. She’d even warn me to get ready because “there’s a big one.” Also, on the second night, the big kids built a tub and let it fill with ocean water, and we were able to convince Mady to stand in it. When the waves actually were swirling around her feet, she was OK with it. The last night, she let me walk out so that the water was actually touching her feet and the waves splashed her almost as much as they did me. We were pleased with the progress she made.

We had a couple of other good meals while in the Daytona area. Thursday afternoon, we went to Dustin’s BBQ and ate. Jimmy and I were probably the least pleased here because we ordered the turkey and what we received were deli slices, though the menu didn’t indicate it would be deli slices. It was OK as far as deli turkey goes, but we were hoping for something more. The others seemed to enjoy their meals, though, especially Trav who created his own combo platter. Friday afternoon, we ordered pizza from Luigi’s Pizzeria, and Jimmy and I picked it up and brought it back to the hotel. Let me just say, that if you order anything with garlic, I hope you really like garlic because they were very generous with it. We ordered a variety of pizzas, some bruschetta, garlic knots, and a sandwich. We were not disappointed with this food.

Saturday morning saw us on our way home. We returned to Spartanburg for the night, staying at the Super 8 across the street from the Sleep Inn from the previous week. This was simply due to non-smoking rooms being unavailable at the Sleep Inn when I made the reservations rather than problems with the Sleep Inn. We checked in then walked to the Denny’s beside the hotel and enjoyed a late supper. Sunday morning, we checked out and headed on home.

All in all, I would have loved another few days at the beach, but I am thankful for the trip we had and the memories we made. The girls may not actually remember the trip, but we have lots of pictures to show them and lots of stories to tell them about it, and that, too, will be fun.

Christmas Concert Sunday in Pippa Passes

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If you need something to do tomorrow evening (Sunday, December 4), I suggest you make a trip to Pippa Passes, Ky. If you are in the Campbell Arts Center (CAC) at 7 PM, you will be blessed by a performance of the Voices of Appalachia as they present their Christmas concert.

The Voices of Appalachia is the choir on Alice Lloyd College’s campus. It’s a group of young men and women who love music and who love to sing. They perform two formal concerts on campus each school year, the annual Christmas concert the first Sunday night in December and the annual spring concert in April.

In addition to these two annual concerts, the Voices of Appalachia perform during both the fall and spring semesters at various churches and other community events. Their performances are not limited to Eastern Kentucky. Each year during Alice Lloyd’s spring break in March, the Voices of Appalachia travel around the country performing concerts.

In 2010, the Voices of Appalachia toured in Florida. They went down the Gulf side of the state and came back up the Atlantic side of the state. When traveling, they may spend three or four nights in hotels, and the rest they spend in host homes. They also get one “fun” day during the tour. In Florida, they went to Universal Studios. In 2011, they toured through Illinois, Indiana, Missouri and Arkansas down into Texas and came back home through Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Tennessee. For their fun day, they went to Six Flags and got to spend an evening touring Dallas. I’m not sure of the 2012 tour agenda just yet, but rumor has it, the tour will involve Chicago and could take them into Michigan.

The Voices of Appalachia do an excellent job with their performances. My daughter is a member, and this organization has provided many wonderful experiences for her, allowing her to take advantage of the total college experience. It’s sad when I realize this is her final Christmas concert, and I’ll just get totally blubbery if I start thinking now about how in the spring she will take her last choir tour and perform her final spring concert. Of course, her final Voices of Appalachia performance won’t be until the morning of her graduation, during the baccalaureate ceremony, and I should stop there before I’m crying on my keyboard.

So, again, if you’ve nothing else to do tomorrow night at 7 PM, we’d love to see you at Alice Lloyd College in the Campbell Arts Center. You won’t be disappointed by the Voices of Appalachia. They’ll do a great job of getting you into the Christmas spirit. If you’re there and want to say hello, you can find me rather easily. I’ll be the teary-eyed, proud mama watching my baby girl sing.